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研究 终生应对医疗费用



每个人在一生中都会面临不同类型的财务挑战. 正如澳博官方网站app研究所所显示的那样, 收入 volatility drops with age while expense volatility remains high across the age spectrum (Farrell and Greig, 2017). Nearly four in ten families—particularly 年长的家庭—make an extraordinary payment related to health, 汽车修理, 以及某一年的税收, 可能难以预测的付款. 六分之一的家庭(16%)在任何一年都支付了超常的医疗费用, but families 65 years and older are about twice as likely as families under 30 years to have made an extraordinary medical payment.

Recent healthcare reform policy debates have focused on the degree to which families should be expected to shoulder the costs of healthcare services. 他们这样做的能力不仅与收入密切相关,还与年龄密切相关. 在这一点上, the 澳博官方网站app 研究所 compares the incidence of extraordinary medical payments and their impact on financial outcomes for different age groups.

Though the need to make major medical payments can occur across all age levels and increases over time, both the financial conditions of families and the resources they have to respond to such expenses differs among younger (18-29 years), 中年(30-64岁), 老年家庭(65岁以上). 基于近100个样本,从2013年到2015年, 澳博官方网站app 研究所 data show that younger and middle-aged families were more likely to make medical payments in months when they had higher 收入 and liquid assets.  然而, 年长的家庭, 谁的流动资产较高,收入波动较小, 没有强烈地证明这种模式吗. We also observed that there were many younger and 年长的家庭 who increased their revolving credit card debt after making major medical payments, 而且这些增长持续存在, 甚至成长, 在支付医疗费用后的12个月内.



  • 特别医疗费用的发生率和数额随着年龄的增长而增加.
  • Younger families (18-29 years) had lower liquid assets and higher 收入 volatility and were much more likely than 年长的家庭 (65+ years) to make extraordinary medical payments in months when they had a higher ability to pay.
  • 年轻家庭(18-29岁)和年长家庭(65岁以上), revolving credit card debt remained more than 10 percent higher relative to baseline a year after the medical payment.
  • 在支付了一笔巨额医疗费用一年后, younger families (18-29 years) were most likely to have newly taken on revolving credit card debt, 而年龄较大的家庭(65岁以上)的债务增幅最大.



澳博官方网站app研究所(澳博官方网站app 研究所)收集了96份去识别样本,在2013年至2015年期间,有5000名核心大通支票账户客户, for whom we could categorize at least 80 percent of expenses and who had ever made an extraordinary medical payment.1 为了我们的研究目的, 分析单元是主帐户持有人, 我们后来称他们为一家人. 我们根据主要账户持有人的年龄对家庭进行分组, recognizing that other account users or family members paid for through the account may have been of any age.2 评估对财务结果的影响, 我们关注的是55人的子样本,在2013年至2015年期间,有1万个家庭只支付了一笔特别医疗费用.

我们将每月至少400美元的医疗费用定义为“特殊”医疗费用, 超过年收入的百分之一, 而且与家庭月平均医疗费用相差两个标准差以上.3 These three criteria ensured that the magnitude of the medical payment was both large and unusual, 因此特别, 对于每个家庭来说. We examined changes in families’ overall financial behavior that coincided with an extraordinary medical payment relative to a baseline period between four and six months prior to the medical payment.4 我们将在下面描述我们的关键见解.


在生命周期中,家庭对特殊医疗费用的反应是不同的. 我们的分析表明,年轻的家庭, 谁的流动资产更少,收入波动更大, 他们的医疗费用与收入和流动资产的增加同步. 对于年龄较大的家庭来说,医疗账单更为常见和频繁. 然而,他们的确切时间和数量仍不确定. 年龄较大的家庭收入波动较小,流动资产较多, 为了支付一大笔医药费,他们往往会取出这笔钱. Still, for both groups, there were many families who turned to revolving credit card debt to cope. Revolving credit card debt remained elevated a year after the medical payment among both younger and 年长的家庭, 年轻家庭的信用卡债务增幅最大. This increased revolving credit card debt could be particularly challenging for 年长的家庭, 因为他们往往有较低的收入来减少信用卡债务.

These findings support the need for more effective financial solutions to help younger and 年长的家庭 weather health-related financial shocks. 这些解决方案可以帮助家庭建立一个 日常现金缓冲, potentially through employer-sponsored pre-tax health reimbursement accounts or other “side-car” savings accounts, to allow families to pay for medical services when they need them without having to rely on 收入 and asset spikes or credit card debt.

Additionally consumers might benefit from better tools and payment options to help families anticipate and manage their medical expenses. 病人应该能看清楚, 在费用发生时或发生之前对其医疗保健费用的准确估计. 当账单到达时,他们可能会受益于灵活的付款方式, 包括短期和长期的融资选择, 还有按时付款的折扣. 长期规划和管理医疗费用, consumers might be well served by more integrated tools that help consumers shop around for non-emergency care and put their medical-related account balances, 账单, 付款都在一个地方.

Better understanding the incidence and impacts of major medical expenses among the young and the old is critical to designing effective solutions tailored to the needs of families in different life stages.

法雷尔,戴安娜,格雷格,菲奥娜. "终生应对医疗费用.澳博官方网站app研究所,2017年.




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